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Limber Health Blog


Find research-backed articles for patients relating to injury rehabilitation, exercise, physical therapy, occupational therapy, general health, wellness and more.
Articles, webinars and the latest research-backed information related to patient-reported outcomes (PROs), MIPS, and physical therapy outcomes.
Articles, webinars and the latest research-backed information related to Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) for physical therapists and healthcare providers
Articles, guides, webinars and more related to rehab therapy topics relevant to physical therapists, occupational therapists, physicians and healthcare providers.
Find research-backed articles for patients relating to wellness and general health related topics.
Blog articles featuring exercise and fitness related topics
View Limber Health's collection of on-demand webinars related to remote therapeutic monitoring, MIPS, and more.
Find research-backed articles for patients relating to rehabilitation and injury rehab related topics.
Webinar: Billing for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring
June 10, 2024

Webinar: Billing for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

Watch this informative on-demand webinar where billing and compliance expert Rick Gawenda, PT shares tips, tricks and best practices for billing for RTM.
Webinar: Mastering MIPS for Physical Therapists
April 10, 2024

Webinar: Mastering MIPS for Physical Therapists

Watch this informative on-demand webinar where you'll discover how to leverage the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) to enhance your physical therapy practice's profitability and competitive edge.
Webinar: First Look at the 2024 CMS Final Rule's Impact on RTM and MIPS
November 16, 2023

Webinar: First Look at the 2024 CMS Final Rule's Impact on RTM and MIPS

The 2024 CMS Final Rule has been released and includes a number of items that have the potential to impact Remote Therapeutic Monitoring and MIPS submission. Watch our on-demand webinar to learn more about these regulatory changes.
Webinar: MIPS Mysteries
October 13, 2023

Webinar: MIPS Mysteries

Watch this on-demand webinar to discover key insights into the 2024 CMS Proposed Rule and its potential implications for Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Participation. Our experts break down the complexities, to ensure you're ahead of the curve in understanding the changes that matter most for MIPS submission.
Webinar: Winning with Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)
October 6, 2023

Webinar: Winning with Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)

Watch this on-demand webinar to discover key insights into making Remote Therapeutic Monitoring a success in your practice. Our experts will share best practices for implementation and you'll hear first-hand experience from a group that is successfully scaling RTM across their organization.