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Limber Health Blog

Articles, studies, and information about Remote Therapeutic Monitoring, rehabilitation, exercise, outcomes and more for patients and providers.


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The Power of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs)


The Power of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs)
Learn how collecting and utilizing Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) empower healthcare providers to personalize treatments, enhance communication, monitor progress, and demonstrate quality.
What is Diagnostic Imaging?


What is Diagnostic Imaging?
Learn the difference between the most common types of diagnostic imaging and how they are interpreted in your overall treatment plan.
Healthy Nutrition 101: How Food Can Nourish the Body


Healthy Nutrition 101: How Food Can Nourish the Body
Eating a well-balanced diet is easy when you follow these simple steps.
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring 2024:  Understanding the Changes in the CMS Proposed Rule


Remote Therapeutic Monitoring 2024: Understanding the Changes in the CMS Proposed Rule
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule. Read more about updates that are relevant to Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM).
Unlocking the Potential of RTM Services: Key Considerations for Your Practice


Unlocking the Potential of RTM Services: Key Considerations for Your Practice
Implementing Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) into your practice can be a win-win for both providers and patients. Discover the key considerations for implementing RTM services in your practice.
Understanding PROMIS® Outcome Measures


Understanding PROMIS® Outcome Measures
PROMIS measures are a valuable tool that can be used to track patient progress throughout their plan of care. Here, we break down the basics of PROMIS, and highlight the benefits of using the system as a patient-reported outcome measure.
Benefits of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)


Benefits of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM)
There are many benefits of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) like patients' ability to easily receive support & communicate with providers outside of the clinic.
How Hydration Impacts Your Health, Performance, and Recovery From Injury


How Hydration Impacts Your Health, Performance, and Recovery From Injury
Getting enough water in your day can make all the difference for a healthy body and mind.
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Billing: Tips and Best Practices


Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Billing: Tips and Best Practices
Billing for remote therapeutic monitoring can seem complex, but with these tips and best practices, you can ensure accurate and timely RTM reimbursement using the correct CPT codes.
6 Ways Walking Benefits Your Physical and Mental Health


6 Ways Walking Benefits Your Physical and Mental Health
Want to boost your health and well-being? Walking is a great place to start. Learn about the six ways walking can benefit your body and mind. Getting in your daily steps could be your healthiest decision today.